Tips on How Listening to Your Inner Child Can Help During the Pandemic and Beyond

This pandemic of 2020 is a whole new experience for most of us. Without a doubt, there is trauma, grief, fear, and worry for many. And yet, there is also hope, opportunity, and relief for others.
What is the best way to deal with your own sorrows? When we have a lot of emotions going on within, the best thing to do is to listen. Just listen.
There is a part of us, the inner child, who carries all the stories, experiences, pain, and even joy from childhood. But when the pain is triggered, your inner child first and foremost needs to be heard. The act of listening is a healing act. That is true for when we listen to others, and when we listen to ourselves.
Here are some tips for healing your pain by listening to your inner child:


  1. Stop what you are doing if you can. Slow down your breath. And become present and still to the emotions you are feeling.
  2. Let all judgment go. Any thoughts about not wanting to feel this or I shouldn’t be feeling this need to float away with your breath.
  3. Instead, focus on listening within and say to your inner child: Hey little one. I hear you. I love you. I am here to take care of you. Please don’t worry.
  4. Keep breathing and keep imagining you are holding your younger self in your arms.
  5. Do this many times a day. Listening to your inner child will help heal it in ways you cannot even imagine.

Want to become a great listener? Join us for our Accelerated Life Coaching Certificate Course starting May 13th to July 11th, 2020. If you want to take your personal growth to the next level or add an amazing skill to your life or business, now is a great time to make that happen.

Contact us at 416-885-1896 so we can tell you more. Talk soon!


Sending you much love,
Lisa Garber, Life Coach



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